European Journal of Management and Business Economics: Volume 30 Issue 3 , Open Access


Table of contents

The influence of business ethics and community outreach on faculty engagement: the mediating effect of legitimacy in higher education

Alicia Blanco-González, Cristina Del-Castillo-Feito, Giorgia Miotto

The aim of this paper is to measure the effects of universities' ethical management and positive impact on society affect the faculty engagement through the mediating effect of…


Active management, value investing and pension fund performance

Luis Otero-González, Pablo Durán-Santomil, Rubén Lado-Sestayo, Milagros Vivel-Búa

This paper analyses whether the active management and the fundamentals of the pension fund allow products that beat their peers to be identified in terms of risk-adjusted…


A study of employee acceptance of artificial intelligence technology

Youngkeun Choi

This study aims to reveal the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of a front-line service meeting to understand how users accept AI technology-enabled service.


On the relation between the crude oil market and pandemic Covid-19

Imlak Shaikh

The crude oil market has experienced an unprecedented overreaction in the first half of the pandemic year 2020. This study aims to show the performance of the global crude oil…


Capital markets and performance of strategic corporate M&A – an investigation of value drivers

Veronika Vinogradova

The paper investigates the market performance of strategic acquisitions for growth in the fifth and sixth merger waves and outlines the major determinants that affect the…


The impact of accessibility of mobile devices on the intention to post online reviews

Jeongsoo Han, Mina Jun

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the characteristic of mobile devices, particularly high accessibility, influences a consumer's intention to post an online review…