American Journal of Business: Volume 14 Issue 1


Table of contents

Managing Customer Value

William B. Dodds

This paper builds the framework for linking the established work of competitive advantage with the emerging discipline of value marketing. The outcome of this linkage is the…


Resources and Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Cross‐Functional Perspective

Michael E. Wasserman, Mark Pagell, Christian Bechtel

This paper examines the sources of competitive advantage from a cross‐functional perspective and presents a dynamic, general model of the tangible and intangible factors that lead…

Quality Management Practices in Manufacturing and Service Corporations: How are they Different?

Chalres R Gowen, William J. Tallon

This study examines the relative perceptions of manufacturing and service quality executives about the use and benefits of quality management programs. In particular, survey…

The Dow Jones Industrial Average: Issues of Downward Bias and Increased Volatility

Paul A. Mueller, Raj A. Padmaraj, Ralph C. St. John

Does the method of divisor adjustment used for stocksplits in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) cause a downward bias in the average’s level and does this method of…


The Relationship of Net Income to Comprehensive Income: An Analysis of Fortune 500 Companies

Jerry G. Kreuze, Gale E. Newell

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has recently issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards, (SFAS) No. 130, Reporting Comprehensive Income. That Statement…

Teaching Computer Software Skills: Matching Teaching and Learning Styles

Carolyn B. Mueller, Cynthia Sanman Ma

This study investigates whether matching teaching approach with student preferred learning style is importantat the undergraduate level. The results suggest that there is a…

Improving Job Satisfaction of Employees Who are Deaf and Hearing

Robert N. Lussier, Kathleen Say, Joel Corman

Approximately 9 percent of the American population are deaf and hard of hearing, yet less than half of them are estimated to be working. With the passage of the Americans with…

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  • Dr David Burnie