International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis: Volume 4 Issue 2


Table of contents

Rent control and vacancies in Sweden

Mats Wilhelmsson, Roland Andersson, Kerstin Klingborg

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of Swedish rent controls on observed vacancy rates for rental housing.


Exploring past and possible future investor housing performance in 19 Auckland City suburbs

Bob Hargreaves

Private sector residential property investors aiming to achieve optimal total returns need to be able to identify the best performing suburbs in a city. The purpose of this paper…


Cycles in landed and non‐landed housing sub‐markets in Malaysia

Hon‐Chung Hui

There exists a voluminous literature which examines house price diffusions across space and quality tiers. Numerous observers have pointed out that housing price dynamics can also…


Insight into apartment attributes and location with factors and principal components

Alain Bonnafous, Marko Kryvobokov

The purpose of this paper is to better understand the spatial structure of the Lyon urban area focusing on real estate. For this, two aims are formulated. The first aim is to…

Mark‐to‐market and house asset valuation: An initial attempt at extending the Poterba model using the term structure of real forward interest rates

Eric J. Levin, Alberto Montagnoli, Gwilym Pryce

Downward movements in house prices can exacerbate bank crises if mark‐to‐market methods of asset valuation are used by lenders to assess their current balance sheet exposure…

Investigation on housing affordability in Lanzhou, Northwest China

Mingchen Duan

With the rapid increase in both household discretionary income and housing price, how to improve housing affordability is the vital challenge for China, especially for the…

Cover of International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis



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  • Dr Richard Reed