On the Horizon: Volume 9 Issue 6


Table of contents

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 2: Do They Really Think Differently?

Marc Prensky

Part 2 of Prensky’s paper exploring the differences between “digital natives” and “digital immigrants”. In this second part the author presents evidence to support these…


The Intelligent Use of Information

Tom P. Abeles

Filtering out useful bits of information, in a world awash with information, is becoming very costly. Not only must we consider the information itself, but we must also consider…


The Scholar’s Forum Débuts

Richard C. Flagan, Anne M. Buck

In recent years, scholars and academic librarians have begun to consider alternatives to the print‐based model for research publishing. Fortuitously, two significant trends…

Unplugged Classrooms: Are Chalk‐talks Still in Play?

Daniel Neal Graham

Distance Learning, Virtual Universities, Online Courses, and associated developments have received a lot of attention in this publication, academic educational journals, as well…

A Column to Keep You Abreast of the Onrushing Knowledge Revolution

William E. Halal

People sense that the world is passing through a profound transformation, but they badly need convenient, reliable information to guide their understanding and decisions. For the…

“McDonald’s” of IT Training World‐wide Growing Fast

George Lorenzo

With more than 2,300 educational centers providing a comprehensive range of IT education in 30 countries world‐wide – and adding more centers at a rate of about 20 per month – New…


INTI Expansion Effort Includes E‐Campuses

George Lorenzo

News piece about how the INTI international Group of Colleges in Malaysia has expanded into China, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Cover of On the Horizon



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • John Moravec