Health Education: Volume 100 Issue 5


Table of contents

Views of young people towards physical activity: determinants and barriers to involvement

Caroline Mulvihill, Kim Rivers, Peter Aggleton

A five‐month, exploratory, in‐depth study was conducted in six sites across England with young people aged 11‐15 and the parents of secondary school aged children to identify…


Evaluating the health promoting school: a case study approach

Jo Inchley, Candice Currie, Ian Young

The health promoting school concept is now a well‐established framework for the development of health promotion initiatives in schools. Increasingly, attention has focused on the…


Vital Youth: evaluating a theatre in health education project

Nicola Douglas, Ian Warwick, Geoff Whitty, Peter Aggleton

Theatre in education (TIE) has recently been advocated as an effective health education method with young people. However, evaluation findings to date have been mixed. Describes…


Worlds apart or of like minds? Mental health promotion in Macedonian and Australian schools

Venka Simovska, Margaret Sheehan

Addresses the issues of mental health promotion in schools within a health promoting schools approach as a framework. Mental health is interpreted holistically and as closely…

Cover of Health Education



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  • Dr Gurpinder Lalli