The International Journal of Logistics Management: Volume 1 Issue 2


Table of contents

Supply Chain Management, Partnership, and the Shipper ‐ Third Party Relationship

Lisa M. Ellram, Martha C. Cooper

The paper begins with an overview of some of the forces that have shaped supply chain management and partnership relationships. Next the potential benefits and risks of…


Developing Heuristics to Estimate the Impact of Postponement on Safety Stock

Walter Zinn

The Principle of Postponement suggests that the final configuration of a Product be delayed until a customer order is received, thus reducing a firm's need to forecast demand for…

Inventory Reduction: Preventive and Corrective Strategies

Richard J. Tersine, Michele G. Tersine

Down with inventory! Do away with inventory! So cry the advocates of the Just‐in‐Time doctrine—a doctrine that holds that inventory by nature is idle and wasteful and by reason is…


Just‐ In‐ Time : Some Effects on the Logistics Function

Scott R. Swenseth, Frank P. Buffa

This article provides an analysis of inbound logistics incorporated in a JIT manufacturing environment. An inventory‐theoretic model is presented that measures the implications of…


Organizational Support for Just‐in‐Time Implementation

Larry C. Giunipero, Wai K. Law

A Just‐in‐Time system crosses functional lines and therefore requires support throughout the organisation. A survey of one‐hundred firms actively pursuing JIT implementation found…


Enterprise Logistics: The Right Tool for the Job

Jeryl R. Wolfe

With ever‐increasing profit and competitive pressures, manufacturers are looking toward the logistics process as a source of competitive advantage. A number of methodologies and…

Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency ‐ The Strategic Lead Time Approach

Peter Horscroft, Alan Braithwaite

Accepted logistics theory states that short lead times are consistent with high accuracy of customer service and low levels of inventory. Yet global or theatre based manufacturing…


Formulation and Implementing a Global Logistics Strategy

John H. Roberts

ICL is the wholly‐owned subsidiary of the £2.35 billion (US $4 billion) STC PLC communications and information systems group, centred on the UK within Europe as its home market…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Britta Gammelgaard