International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology: Volume 18 Issue 3


Table of contents

Digitizing and measuring of the human body for the clothing industry

Ph. Guerlain, B. Durand

The paper aims to present several methods that were developed, evaluated and finally used as part of a 3D electronic tailor especially adapted to the clothing industry.


Body scanning of dynamic posture

Liu Chi, Richard Kennon

Aims to check the validity of measurements of dynamic postures recorded by a body scanner.


Systematic representation and application of a 3D computer‐aided garment construction method: Part II: spatial transformation of 3D garment cut segments

Slavenka Petrak, Dubravko Rogale, Vinko Mandekić‐Botteri

To establish a method of transforming the 3D cutting patterns constructed and modelled into 2D patterns, excluding the fabric parameters.

Croatian anthropometric system meeting the European Union

Darko Ujević, Dubravko Rogale, Mirko Drenovac, Dinko Pezelj, Marijan Hrastinski, Nina Smolej Narančić, Željko Mimica, Renata Hrženjak

Anthropometry as one of anthropology methods is concerned with the measurement of the human body and determining the relationship of the size and proportions of the human body…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof George Stylios