Journal of Organizational Change Management: Volume 18 Issue 5


Table of contents

Political entrepreneurship in action research: learning from two cases

Hans Björkman, Mats Sundgren

To discuss political entrepreneurship as a capability to enable durable insider action research projects.


Scientification, immune responses, and reflection: The changing relationship between management studies and consulting

Alexander T. Nicolai, Heinke Röbken

There is little consensus among academics on how to treat management fashions. The aim of this paper is to point out how management scientists have previously dealt with…


Actionable knowledge: consulting to promote women on boards

Susan M. Adams, Patricia M. Flynn

Describes how actionable knowledge is created to successfully initiate consulting relationships designed to promote changes in the composition of corporate boards and, ultimately…


Radical strategic change in the global professional network: the “Big Five” 1999‐2001

David M. Brock, Michael J. Powell

This paper seeks to explore and explain the dramatic organizational changes that took place over a relatively short time period in the five largest global professional networks…


Buttonwood Park, New Bedford: from conflict to partnering

Helene Fine

To offer a narrative account of an intervention to resolve a conflict and thus enable a community to mobilize against a threat to its Olmsted Park and, simultaneously, to showcase…


Learning and innovation: a narrative analysis

Stefanie C. Reissner

To investigate the relationship between learning, organizational change, organizational culture and narratives. The issues are explored on the basis of a case study of an…


Bridging the conceptual divide: lessons from stakeholder analysis

John Simmons, Ian Lovegrove

To demonstrate that stakeholder analysis has a significant contribution to make as a “middle ground” research method and as a means of organisational change.


Cross‐cultural investigations: emerging concepts

Nina Jacob

To provide an overview of emerging concepts in the field of cross‐cultural management, which could augment/supplant the contributions made by Hofstede and Trompenaars.

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  • Prof Slawomir Magala