International Journal of Educational Management: Volume 9 Issue 1


Table of contents

School versus non‐school sports: structure organization and function in Greece, Europe and the USA

Athanasios Laios

The development and promotion of sports is being carried outthrough both school sports and non‐school sports or sports associations.Seeks to investigate these two methods using…


Administrative responsibilities of the coach

Athanasios Laios

Examines the administrative responsibilities of a coach in Greece.Uses personal experiences, review of literature and interviews to obtaindata for this study. Finds that coaches…


Application of soft systems methodology to the real world process of teaching and learning

Nandish V. Patel

Much educational practice taught at teaching colleges regarding theprocess of teaching and learning is derived from a theoretical base.Less is based on lessons learned from the…


A new lecturer′s simple guide to quality issues in higher education

Jennifer Rowley

All staff in higher education have a role to play in enhancing thequality of the student learning experience. Defines quality assurance,quality audit, quality assessment and…


The paradigm shift in university management

Bruce Gunn

Makes clear the distinction between second versus third‐wavemanagement in higher education. The former management school wasdeveloped in the industrial age. The latter doctrine…


Futuristic education

John H. Holcomb

Where we have been is the best indicator of where we are going.This is still true, even in these times of extensive and intensivechange, when customs and institutions are revised…


An educational project in a developing country

Jamal Khan

Studies an educational project, the Queen′s College Project, interms of the various phases through which the project cycle moved.Highlights some of the learning issues underlying…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof. Chris Brown
  • Dr Dong Nguyen