Library Hi Tech News: Volume 40 Issue 10


Table of contents

“Through the looking glass: envisioning new library technologies” an inflection point for social media and the open Web? Part 2

Peter Fernandez

This paper aims to explore several factors that indicate the way the internet is structured may be near an inflection point.

Wikipedia and large language models: perfect pairing or perfect storm?

Paul A. Thomas

The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential benefits and challenges of using large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT to edit Wikipedia.


Application and use of telepresence robots in libraries and information center services: prospect and challenges

Sanjay Kumar Jha

The purpose of this paper is to explore how robots are being used in libraries and information centers to transform their services and what are the future possibilities and trends…

Future proofing the academic library: improving the way we work

Pauline Nicholas, Alicia Palmer, Yulande Lindsay, Kareen Lawrence, Vergie Lee Reid Lawson

Driven by globalization and subsequent advancements in technology, higher education has experienced exponential growth in student enrolment and increased diversity in the student…


Metaverse-infused academic libraries: a glimpse into the future

Omolara Basirat Amzat, Akinade Adebowale Adewojo

This study aims to explore the transformative potential of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse into academic libraries, envisioning a future where…

Cover of Library Hi Tech News



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  • Mr Martin Kesselman