Library Hi Tech News: Volume 31 Issue 3


Table of contents

On the Horizon: The 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Part 1

Martin Kesselman

– This paper aims to review the highlights, new technologies and trends presented at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Mobile 3D Library Map: an innovative wayfinding tool for library users on the move

Wai Ying Chia

The purpose of this study is to deliver a mobile solution for our next-generation users to locate the library’s collections and facilities effectively through advanced…

Aspiration to implementation: building an enterprise digitization capability at the University of Melbourne

Donna McRostie

The aim of this study is to use the guiding strategy, Melbourneâ™’s Scholarly Information Future, which is a ten-year strategy that identifies in its aspirations the importance of…

The use of library software in Nigerian University Libraries and challenges

Kingdom Hudron Kari, Ebikabowei Emmanuel Baro

– The study aimed to look at the library software in use in Nigerian university libraries, and the challenges and frustrations experienced in their automation projects.


Research publications to Indian Journal of Cancer: a scientometric analysis

S. Santhanakarthikeyan, M. Grace, R. Jeyshankar

The aim of the present study is to analyze the literature growth, author productivity, authorship pattern, average length of articles and country collaboration of cancer research…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Mr Martin Kesselman