The Electronic Library: Volume 18 Issue 5

Digital information organization and use


Table of contents

Web OPAC interfaces: an overview

B. Ramesh Babu, Ann O’Brien

Web‐based online public access catalogues (OPACs) began to appear in the late 1990s and many libraries are currently considering implementation. As catalogues, they demonstrate…


Building scholarly online multimedia collections and services

Ted Chrisfield, Richard Cosgrove, John Stinson

This paper outlines the evolution of an approach to building multimedia database applications for research and learning in an Australian university. This has involved an ongoing…


The development of digital libraries in Taiwan

Hao‐Ren Ke, Ming‐Jiu Hwang

At the opening of the twenty‐first century, developments of digital libraries have been attracting the attention of many countries and Taiwan is no exception. The purpose of this…


Telecommunications alternatives in accessing image intensive digital libraries

Harry M. Kibirige

Digital libraries are becoming vital in basic research and general surfing of the Internet and the Web. Unlike text‐based digital libraries, image intensive digital libraries have…

Enterprise information portals

Martin White

Information is now coming centre stage in companies anxious to maintain their competitive advantage in the economy as electronic business‐to‐business exchanges rapidly…

Cover of The Electronic Library



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof. Jeonghyun Kim
  • Assistant Prof Haihua Chen
  • Ms Marie Bloechle